Author: Leigh

  • Finding Jesus in the Old Testament

    Finding Jesus in the Old Testament



    Jesus said this about the Old Testament: “You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me!” (John 5:39). When He spoke with a couple of disciples along the road to Emmaus, Luke records that Jesus led them through Moses and all the Prophets. He explained to…

  • May Mission Month

    May Mission Month



    Every May we intentionally focus our attention on the great mission to which God has called his church. In particular we seek to raise support for the many missionaries that we as a congregation support. If you are able to contribute to our May Mission appeal, please do so either by bank transfer, Giveway, or…

  • To The Ends of the Earth

    To The Ends of the Earth



    Christianity is global. Within mere decades of the resurrection of Jesus in 33AD His message had burst out of the land of its birth, Israel. It raced beyond the boundaries of the Roman Empire that had sought to crush it. What drove ordinary men and women to leave comfort and familiarity, face difficulty and danger…