Wallsend Baptist is supported through the generosity of our church family. If you would like to contribute to our mission of reaching our community and beyond with the Good News of Jesus, please click the ‘Giveway’ image below.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Cor 9:7
GiveWay does not require you to know the church’s bank account details and allows giving via VISA or Mastercard Credit or Debit cards. One off or recurring payments for any period or frequency can be made. All payments are passed to the church anonymously, however some details are required by Baptist Financial Services who operate the GiveWay payment portal. Merchant and transaction fees apply, however you may choose as the donor to cover the merchant fees at the time of donation. You can find out more about GiveWay by visiting the GiveWay website at www.giveway.org.au